Movie Extras for Thor: Ragnarok

Movie Extras for Thor: Ragnarok
Movie Extras Casting Call

Are you ready for you chance to work on the upcoming movie “Thor: Ragnarok”? Chris Hemsworth is reprising his role as the gladiator and he needs you to help bring the movie to life! The cast and crew is heading to Atlanta for filming and they are looking for locals to be extras. There is a new casting call that is looking for Viking types. Casting directors are searching for men and women who are at least 18 years old. This is a paid acting job. A mandatory fitting will be held on Wednesday, June 28th or Thursday, June 29th.

Filming is scheduled to be on July 5th, July 17th, July 18th and July 20th. Applicants must be available to shoot for all of the days. This is an incredible opportunity to work for several days on the film. This is sure to be one of the blockbuster hits of next year. Don’t miss out on your chance to be in Thor: Ragnarok and sign up for the movie casting call right away!

About the Movie

Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization. [IMDB]

Key Details

Shoot Location: Atlanta, GA

Shoot Date: MANDATORY Fitting Wed 6/28 or Thur 6/29 AND filming on July 5th, July 17th, July 18th, July 20th

Pay Rate: 68/8

Roles & Requirements

Central Casting is looking for “Viking” types!

Males should have longish hair, natural color, facial hair is good too!

-Females should have LONG natural color hair, and average sizes.

**Must be available all dates**

Instructions for Submission

If this is you and you are available ALL dates and fit the description above, please submit to with the subject line “VIKING”.
Be sure to include your full name, phone number and current photos.

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